Books and Articles by Hon. Joseph E. Schmitz, 1994-2023 

Opening Statement at the Public Hearing of the Commission on the State of U.S. Olympics and Paralympics: “The Future of Olympic and Paralympic Sport in America”
,, September 6, 2023 (

"The Lord and Jim Buckley," National Review, August 25, 2023 (

"Celebrating Our Bill of Rights: The Forgotten Preamble," Newsmax, July 7, 2021 (

"Supreme Court Should Strike Down Effort to Steal 2020 Presidential Election," Newsmax, March 12, 2020 (

"Trump Leads Uncontested Electors: Not Over Until Supreme Court Rules," Newsmax, November 13, 2020 (

"What is Being Done About This Farce of an Election?," Newsmax, November 06, 2020 (

"The Bill of Rights: Preventing Misconstruction, Abuse of Power," Newsmax, October 11, 2020 (

"'America's Enduring Prayer' - 19 Years Ago Today," Newsmax, September 14, 2020 (

"Trump Rightfully Takes 'Preserve, Protect, and Defend' to Heart," Newsmax, August 29, 2020 (

"1775 Declaration Foreshadowed Current Need for Unity," Newsmax, July 2, 2020 (

"An Inconvenient Fact - Our Constitution Has 'Domestic Enemies'," Newsmax, June 4, 2020 (

"Hats Off to Temple Baptist Church and the DOJ," Newsmax, April 17, 2020 (

"With Prioritizing Done Right Trump Will Defeat Virus," Newsmax, April 7, 2020 (

Greta Van Susteren, "Looking for a good read this summer?  Check out 'The Inspector
General Handbook',", June 15, 2013 (;

Paul Scicchitano, "Obama Gutted 'Heart and Soul' of Government Watchdogs, Former Official Says," Newsmax, June 14, 2013 (;

Megyn Kelly, "STAE DEPT UNDER FIRE: Lawmakers Demand More Info on Higher-ups," FoxNews, June 14, 2013 (;

"Inspector General 'First Things'," Center for Security Policy, June 14, 2013 (;

"The Missing Watchdogs at State: Only the president can nominate independent IGs, and he has failed repeatedly to do so," National Review, June 12, 2013 (;

Newsmax, "Schmitz: Obama's Inspector General Negligence," June 5, 2013 (;

"Obama's Inspector General Negligence," The Wall Street Journal, June 4, 2013 (; 

"Who's Not Watching the Obama Administration?," Newsmax, May 23, 2013 (;
"Rep. Gohmert Proposal Hits Obamacare as Unconstitutional," August 2012:
"Military's Muslim chaplain vetting system poses significant risk to national security," Press Release from The American Islamic Forum for Democracy's (AIFD) on December 3, 2010:
"Former Defense IG Raises Concerns About Military Chaplain Vetting," news article published December 1, 2010:
"U.S. Court Exposes ISNA as 'Apparatus' of the Muslim Brotherhood (and Hamas): Questions Remain About the Department of Defense Continuing to Rely Upon ISNA to Endorse Chaplains," article published November 28, 2010: -and-Hamas- - -Questions-Remain-About-the-Department-of-Defense-Conti
PRESS RELEASE - - Joseph E. Schmitz honored with President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Community Leadership Award, November 18, 2010:  _images/cli_fil__94490028.pdf
"First and Lasting IG Things," Comments of the Honorable Joseph E. Schmitz, former Inspector General of the Department of Defense, at the 2010 Marine Corps Inspector General Symposium, August 25, 2010:  _images/cli_fil__53550850.pdf
"Cooperating with DoD on Economic Development Activities in Afghanistan," Opening Remarks of the Honorable Joseph E. Schmitz, former Inspector General of the Department of Defense, for Panel #8 of the 5th Annual U.S.-Afghanistan Business Matchmaking Conference, October 20, 2009:  _images/cli_fil__55213905.pdf
Citation to accompany the award of the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service to Joseph E. Schmitz, December 2005:
Remarks as delivered by Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph E. Schmitz to Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program, Arlington, VA, August 2, 2005:
Remarks as delivered by Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph E. Schmitz to the Defense Council on Integrity and Efficiency introducing Iraqi Ministry of Defense Inspector General Layla Jassim al-Mokhtar, July 14, 2005:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "SES Knowledge Tool Kit: Insights into the Role of the DoD Inspector General's Office" (Senior Executive Service APEX Orientation Course), May 11, 2005:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Military Chaplains As Moral Leaders: a Central Role in Suppressing 21st Century Human Slavery" (International Military Chaplains Conference), February 9, 2005:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Auditing for a New Foundation of Legitimacy in Iraq" (Iraq Board of Supreme Audit), December 3, 2004:
Statement of Joseph E. Schmitz, Inspector General of the Department of Defense, to The Organization for Security And Cooperation in Europe Forum for Security Cooperation in Vienna, Austria, on "Suppressing Slavery in the 21st Century: from Legislation to Enforcement," November 17, 2004:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Fritz Kraemer on Excellence: Missionary, Mentor and Pentagon Strategist" (Army and Navy Club Reception, 11/15/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Establishing an Intelligence Oversight System: Principles to Consider" (International Intelligence Review Agencies Conference), 10/05/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "The Next Step in Leadership: Deciding to Put First Things First" (The APEX Conference), 09/15/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "The Principle of 'First and Second Things' in the German-American Alliance Against Terror " (The Friedrich Ebert Foundation), 09/09/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "The Importance of the Rule of Law in the War on Terror" (Advanced Intelligence Law Course, National Ground Intelligence Center), 07/01/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "American Principles as Potent Weapons and Potential Casualties in the Global War on Terror" (The City Club of Cleveland), 06/25/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Setting the Defense Industry Bar Higher: Integrity; Accountability; Discipline; and the Will to be Great" (Association of Naval Aviators Defense Industry Leaders Breakfast), 06/10/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "He Gave Military Training and Discipline to the Citizen Soldiers Who Achieved the Independence of the United States" (Steuben Society of America Founder's Day Dinner), 05/23/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "The Role of Inspectors General in Defending American Values" (von Steuben Monument Dedication), 05/15/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Setting the Bar for a 'Higher Standard'" (U.S. Air Force Academy Launch of the Three Service Academies Sexual Assault and Leadership Survey), 04/19/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Audit Assessment Industry Day" (Introductory Remarks at the Inspector General of the Department of Defense Audit Assessment Industry Day), 04/08/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Setting the Bar for a 'Higher Standard'" (U.S. Naval Academy Launch of the Three Service Academies Sexual Assault and Leadership Survey), 04/05/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Information Assurance Industry Day" (Introductory Remarks at the Inspector General of the Department of Defense Information Assurance Industry Day), 03/30/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Introducing a New Order of Things" (Apex Orientation Program), 03/25/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Wrestling with Discipline: Life Lessons in Leadership" (National Wrestling Coaches Association Coaches Clinic - Cosponsored by the United States Marine Corps), 03/20/04:
Remarks of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense: "Honor, Courage, Commitment - - and Class" (Retirement of Admiral Larry L. Poe), 10/24/03:

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